Vision Board Examples, Do Vision Boards Work? And My Actual Results
Vision Board Examples, Do Vision Boards Work? And My Actual Results
If you are reading this blog post then chances are you are either new to the concept of vision boards, or you are unsure if vision boards actually work. Or just maybe, you’d like to see some vision board examples and learn a few more things about them before creating yours.
So first things first, let’s talk about the elephant in the room. Do vision boards work? Do they actually help you obtain the life you want to?
I’ll start by saying that I believe they do work. I will tell you more about why I believe that they do work later, and also give you my real life vision board examples. But before I do that, I want to take you down memory lane.
Mental Vision Boards
I want to ask you to jog your memory. Think back and remember something that you really wanted in your life and you got it. If you need to pause and think for a minute that’s ok, but try not to overcomplicate it. It can be anything, a new bike, a new shirt, a girlfriend or boyfriend, an experience, or anything else.
Now hold that experience in your mind for a minute. And ask yourself this question. “Did I know exactly how I was going to obtain that thing I desired?”
Most likely you didn’t know how you would obtain it at all. Also, there is a good chance you had your doubts of whether the situation would turn out the way you wanted it to. But you didn’t succumb to your doubts, and you held on to the faith that it would come true. Then you began to visualize this thing you desired so much coming true and how great that would make you feel.
After you began to faithfully visualize your desired outcome life got in the way and you went about your business. You didn’t forget about your desired result, but you didn’t think about it every second of every day. It may have seemed like it, but you still had to go about your daily business.
Every once in a while you would see something that would remind you of your desired outcome. And for a minute or two, you would visualize your desired outcome and once again return to your day.
This process went on for some time until one awesome day you received your desired thing. This day was incredible and you were so happy you received it.
Your Visualization Techniques At Work
After doing this exercise I hope you realize that you have been creating mental vision boards for most of your life. The problem is most people don’t keep score of mental vision boards. Most forget what they received in their life shortly after they got it. They forget about the faith, the visualizing, and the actions they took to reach it. But the truth is you have been visualizing and creating things your whole life.
I remember when Karen and I were living in Colorado where we grew up. Out of seemingly nowhere the idea of us moving to Florida came to me. I was looking at the snow in our backyard and the thought just came to me. Soon I began to see images of sunny places with palm trees and the beach. And the idea of Florida became visualized in my mind. I had created a mental vision board.
Less than a year later that vision came true and we were living in Florida on the beach.
Just like this happened to me, I’m sure you can remember similar experiences. Which brings us to the question. Why would you want to go through the trouble of creating the physical vision board if you can just do it in your mind like the above mental vision board examples?
Why Create A Vision Board
It is true you can visualize something in your mind without a vision board and make it come true, but the great thing about creating a vision board is that it increases the chances of it coming true. Creating a vision board is similar to writing your goals down, but with pictures. If you are a visual person like me then I think it will help you to see a daily reminder of what you want to create in your life.
Also, another benefit of creating a vision board is that you can easily track your successes without much effort. For instance, you can look back at your vision board later and see how you have done.
If you have ever watched the movie The Secret, John Assaraf says that he was looking through old vision boards and noticed that he had moved into his dream home and didn’t even realize it.
He didn’t even realize that he had made such a huge milestone in his life until he looked back at his old vision board. He said he began to break down and cry with joy when he realized that this stuff really works!
How I Learned About The Idea Of Creating A Vision Board
A few years back I was talking to some people I had met at Toastmasters and the subject of the movie The Secret came up. I instantly felt like an alien when it seemed like everyone there had seen the movie but me. They went on and on about how amazing and life changing it was so I went and bought it right away.
I have since watched the movie countless times over and over again. If you haven’t already seen it I will try not to spoil it too much, but just say that it is definitely worth a watch. After watching the movie I was intrigued by one person in particular who’s name is Bob Proctor. Bob seemed to be the leader of this way of thinking so I began looking him up and found that he had written a book entitled You Were Born Rich.
After seeing this title, who wouldn’t want to buy it! I went ahead and got that book as well, and can honestly say it is easily in my top 5 books of all time. You can see below in the picture how much use Karen and I have gotten out of it!
Watching The Secret and reading You Were Born Rich
were two things that I feel really were instrumental in me changing the way I think.
As I mentioned earlier, John Assaraf talked about his vision board in the movie and showed it. After hearing of his success that was all I needed to hear. I knew I would be creating my own, and I’m really glad I did.
Below I will show you why I am so happy I decided to create a vision board and my vision board examples.
My Vision Board Examples And Actual Results
The other day I looked at my old vision board and decided it was time for me to create a new one. When looking at it I realized that the old board wasn’t as relevant to my current goals as I would like.
Before I created a new one I spent some time looking over my first board and was shocked at how much of it had come true. As I looked it over from the top to bottom, I realized that many things were what I would consider accomplished, that I hadn’t realized before. In other words, I had reached many of the desired outcomes and hadn’t yet realized it.
For instance, on my first board, there are two pictures of an Audi A5. One picture is in white, and the other is red. You can see my first vision board below with the white and red Audi A5’s close to the middle of the board.
I hadn’t realized it before because I didn’t buy an Audi A5, but I feel I more than accomplished this goal, and here is why. Some time after creating my vision board my wife’s old Ford Focus started running pretty badly. So we decided we wanted to buy a new car. My wife has always loved Audi’s so we began looking for one. We ended up finding an Audi A4 that we loved, so we decided to buy it. See the picture below of my wife’s Audi A4 that we bought.
Fast-forward a couple of years. Our other car, an Oldsmobile Alero, completely died. We then decided to begin looking for another car. So we started looking at Audi A5’s, BMW 3 Series Coupes, and Mercedes Coupes.
After looking for a short amount of time we came across a BMW 3 Series with an M-Sport package. We knew immediately we wanted this car, and a few days later we bought it! You can see a picture of our BMW M-Sport 3 Series. Notice how much it looks like the white Audi A5 in my first vision board above.
Until recently looking at my first vision board I hadn’t even realized that this car goal had more than been met. We not only got an Audi but also got a BMW too since creating the vision board!
As I looked deeper at my first vision board I started noticing more things that had come true. Having my own business was my biggest goal back then. On the vision board, there are 6 different images that have to do with this vision I had. As I sit here today, I have been self-employed for 3 years now! You can see a picture of me working like a madman haha! My wife took this picture of me working on our bed one night with both mac’s opened.
Another goal of mine was to get in really great shape. There are 3 different images that have to do with this vision. Since creating this vision board I have had some great success with my fitness. You can see more about that on this blog post.
I was also able to continue to build a loving relationship with my wife, play golf quite a bit, and take my wife shopping for some pretty awesome things. One thing she really wanted was a pair of Christian Louboutin heels. I feel really blessed that I was able to buy her a pair. See her below in her Christian Louboutin’s.
Celebrating Accomplished Goals
It’s safe to say that this experience of going back over my first vision board and seeing all the things that came true from it has been a truly rewarding experience. Let’s face it, most of us don’t give ourselves enough credit.
Having a vision board is an invaluable tool to help you to create what you want in your life. Keep you on track and your mind focused on where you want to go. And most importantly help you to appreciate what you have already received and accomplished!
Stay tuned for my next blog post. I will be showing you my exact step be step process of how to make a vision board for optimal success. But I want to give you a sneak peak of my new vision board in progress. See below.
As you can see from the picture above I am already in the process of creating my new vision board. I can’t wait to share my exact steps I am taking with you! Stay tuned.
One last thing. If you have benefited in any way from this post about my vision board examples and results I would greatly appreciate it if you would like, share, and comment. Thanks for reading, talk soon!