Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And Why I Write Down My Ideas

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Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And Why I Write Down My Ideas

Hey, this is Matt with Shot a quick little video a while back for you guys about “Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And Why I Write Down My Ideas”.  Karen actually came up with the idea a few years ago.  Her suggestion has really helped the both of us.  I hadn’t gotten around to uploading this video, but after looking back over it I thought I should make it a priority.  I feel some of you out there that have overactive brains like myself might really get some value from it!  Also, I hope it will help you get some ideas about journaling and benefits it can give you.

[Video Transcript] A couple years ago, we were still looking for some business opportunities.  Specifically, something that would meet certain guidelines that we had.  We obviously wanted it to be profitable, but we also wanted something that could turn into a passive income source.  My mind continually goes 150 miles an hour especially because I am always reading or taking a new course to learn new things.

The Emotional Roller Coaster Of A New Business Idea

At the time I was reading tons of books.  So because of this, every day I was coming up with new business ideas.  I would be so excited about them that I would want to tell Karen about the idea.  I thought it was a good thing to talk to her about my ideas.  But here is what was actually happening.  It was an emotional roller coaster for her.

I would come up with a new idea and tell her about it.  This would cause her to get excited about it.  But then the next day I would be on to the next idea and excited about something else.  Once she mentioned this to me I could see exactly why this would be hard for her and for me.

What we realized, and she brought this to my attention, is that it was really an unhealthy thing for both of us mentally. For her, it was tough to ride that roller coaster of emotion going from one idea to the next.  And it also was tough for me.  I would live and die on these ideas and forget most of them within a few days.

I would come up with an idea or opportunity.  Then a day or two later, I’d find something wrong with that idea.  Then Karen would ask me about it and I would already be moving on.  For obvious reasons, it was hard for her to deal with that.

Karen Suggests Keeping A Journal And Not Talking!

Karen’s idea that she proposed to me was this, she said, “You just need to write everything down, write your ideas down and don’t tell me about these things unless they’re really serious.”.

At first, I was surprised she didn’t want to hear about my ideas, but it made sense to me.

So I started writing everything down.  Before long I started to really see the awesome benefits of keeping a journal.


I think I’m on my fourth or my fifth journal at this point.  I usually go with the medium-sized spiral notebooks. They’re the medium size ones and they’re lined.

I like having the medium size notebooks because it’s easy to take them in my briefcase.  I can throw them in with my laptop and everything else if I want to go work somewhere besides the house.


Benefits Of Keeping A Journal

Keeping a journal has served me in a lot of ways, and honestly a lot more than we originally thought. One of the best parts about it is that I immediately write down my ideas right away.  So every time I have a really good idea, I immediately take out my notebook and I write down the idea with every little detail about it.  I empty out everything that comes to my mind onto the pad and really clear my head.

By keeping a journal and writing everything down I’m able to get all the information out of my head.  This completely clears my head and brain.  Which means I don’t have to keep rattling ideas around over and over again.

Secondly, I notice that if I don’t think about the idea after I write it down for a couple days, or even think about it at all, then I know it wasn’t as good of an idea as I thought it was.

The cool thing is is that I do review my journals every once in a while and go back and read through everything.  When I do that, many times I’ll find ideas that are really awesome and they’ll be more appropriate for me to actually implement them when I go back around the second time.

Final Thoughts About Journalling And Writing Down Your Ideas

Overall keeping a journal has been a really amazing thing to do and it’s been really great for Karen and myself.  Now she only hears about the stuff that I’ve really thought a lot about.  And I don’t clutter up her head with all kinds of different ideas all the time.  Also, I don’t clutter up my head. My head is always clear and I’m able to capture all those great ideas, put them in a book, and save them up for later.

Also, I don’t clutter up my head. My head is always clear and I’m able to capture all those great ideas, put them in a book, and save them up for later.

Then if I keep thinking about the idea I wrote in my journal I can go back at any time and the strategy or idea is safe and secure and ready to be rediscovered and implemented.

Anyways, guys, I really hope that this helps you. I might not be the only one that has tons of ideas all the time and doesn’t really know what to do with them, constantly driving family or friends crazy with them!

I hope you guys have enjoyed this “Benefits Of Keeping A Journal And Why I Write Down My Ideas” video blog post.

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