How To Stop Binge Eating
How To Stop Binge Eating
[Video Transcript] Hey guys what’s up? It’s Matt with I want to shoot a video for you guys today and talk about a topic that has been an issue for me for a long time. Whether I’ve ever wanted to admit it before or not before it has. That topic is binge eating, and how to stop binge eating.Why Do I Binge Eat
For a number of years, I’ve followed a bodybuilding style diet. I used to eat 5 to 8 meals per day. Those would be small meals. Very small meals. Honestly, you never feel satisfied at all with that type of a diet.
Usually, when you follow a diet like that, the bulk of the diet is on lean protein. Such as chicken breasts that are dry with nothing on them. Maybe some brown rice, and maybe some vegetables. You’re really not satisfying many of your taste buds. You’re strictly eating very, very bland foods. That in itself causes you to crave other food that’s not in your diet. That has always been a trigger for me to binge eat.
Here’s what has happened to me and why I sometimes have binge eaten. What I’ll do is be so disciplined for a number of days. Eat perfectly and focus exactly on only eating certain types of food. Then I would have a weak moment or life would get a little bit stressful. Or my blood sugar would get out of whack. The next thing I know, I’m bingeing on something I shouldn’t be eating on the current diet that I’m following.
That’s a problem that I think a lot of people have. Especially people that follow the typical 5 to 8 meals per day plan that is consistent with a bodybuilding style diet.
Intermittent Fasting To Control Blood Sugar And Bingeing?
I think there’s a better way. I honestly do. The reason why I feel that way is because I think I’ve found a better way. I haven’t had the issues that I used to have with binge eating since finding this new diet plan. That diet plan is intermittent fasting. It’s done a lot for me and my ability to control my diet.
One thing that it’s done in particular is really regulated my blood sugar a lot more than other diets. I don’t have the peaks and the valleys that I used to get if I didn’t eat every 2 to 3 hours with the other diet that I would follow.
Back then I would eat such small meals that I would literally be hungry all day long, and sometimes I would eat a meal and only an hour later I would be just dying hungry. It was because my blood sugar was spiking so bad that I felt like I had to eat something sweet, something sugary, something that would take care of the issue of low blood sugar.
Satisfying Intermittent Fasting Meals That Taste Good
With intermittent fasting, I don’t have that issue at all. The major reason is the stable blood sugar, and I believe that that’s from eating larger meals that are more satisfying. They also are spread out. You’re not eating every couple hours and constantly spiking your blood sugar. It’s worked really well for me.
I typically follow a 2 meal per day plan with 1 or 2 snacks. That really helps me maintain my blood sugar and stops me from binge eating because I’m able to actually get satisfied when I eat. Instead of eating small meals where you never get fully satisfied. Or eating meals that are so clean and bland that they don’t taste good. With intermittent fasting, I’m eating meals that taste really good and they actually satisfy me.
I hope that this will help you guys. It might be something you look into if you do have a binge eating problem.
See another one of my posts about my intermittent fasting journey here!
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Here’s another study you may benefit from checking out regarding intermittent fasting and health.
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